Advertising effort can take on different forms: display, social media, printed, et cetera. And among those forms, we also know video advertising. Part of digital advertising cluster, video advertising has become one of marketers’ favorite advertising options due to its nearly unmatched ability to capture audience’s attention.
The question is: what does make video an effective advertising tool these days, especially in this digital world and compared to other form of advertisement (re: text)?
Video advertising plays before, during, and/or after video stream on the internet, and according to Hubspot in their 2020 study, 88% of marketers said video advertisement gives them a positive ROI.
The first reason that makes video an effective advertising tools is that video has the ability to capture viewers’ attention; not only that, it does so within only a few first seconds. According to IdeaRocket, human eyes are naturally attracted to movement. Therefore, video is the right tool to draw attention immediately.
Not only attention-grabbing, when done right, video advertising can also make viewers invested. As Skeleton put it simply: “appeal to their emotions”. Be as entertaining and as meaningful as possible to provoke emotional response which could result in more engagements, such as share and comment.
In regards to driving more traffic to your website, video is also very effective. According to findings published by the Aberdeen Group, individuals or businesses that utilize the use of video experience 41% more web traffic from search compared to those who don’t. According to Report from Insivia, it’s due to search engines ranking videos higher than they used to. And that, is a strong factor that makes more people find a website.
The very basic purpose of video advertising, along with the rest of other advertising efforts, is to sell, be it your products or services. And video advertising, for this matter, is found to highly increase viewers’ buying intent. Forbes said, “64% of customers are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video about it”. With that figure, has video advertising convinced you already?
The studies and statistics show that video is an effective advertising tool. Therefore, it only makes sense if more and more businesses exercise this method of advertising. In addition, the ongoing digital transformation only seems to further favor the popularity and utilization of video advertising. If executed well, video advertising has all the potential to support the massive of growth for business.